Brown Patch Control

Brown Patch

Whether you manage the grounds of a golf course, tend the landscape of your business or just want the lawn surrounding your home to look great, you want to do everything you can to maintain lush, healthy greenery. In Florida, there are a lot of threats to a great-looking lawn, one of which is a fungus. You should look out for many fungi in Florida, not the least of which is brown patch.

What Is Brown Patch?

Several types of fungi can create brown patches in your lawn, but only one is officially known as brown patch (also known as brown patch lawn disease). That is the Rhizoctonia fungus, which typically appears in humid conditions such as those you will find during a typical Florida summer.

What Are Some Characteristics of Brown Patch?

Brown patch disease is an opportunistic fungus that can be found in both cool-season and warm-season grasses. It is most commonly found in grasses like tall fescue, ryegrass, zoysia grass and St. Augustine grass. You should not be at all surprised to find it on your lawn in Florida. Brown patch is a foliar fungus that damages and discolors the blades of grass without infecting the root system.

How Can Brown Patch Hurt Your Lawn?

Brown patch can create jagged brown-yellow circles on your lawn of various sizes. The “smoke ring” border it creates around the circle can give it a burned appearance. The ring is usually around a ½-inch wide circling a patch that can be half a foot to multiple feet in diameter. The grass inside the circle can be destroyed entirely or just thinner than the healthy segments of the lawn.

How Can Bee Green Pest Control Help You With Brown Patch Problems?

Dealing with troublesome fungi in central Florida is one of our specialties at Bee Green Pest Control, and that includes handling any brown patch problems. Our fungicidal treatments are both immediate and preventative — we can repair your lawn and help prevent new brown patch events from forming. We can treat your yard for brown patch at any time, but we typically like to come at the beginning of or in early summer, so we can stop future brown patch outbreaks before they happen.

If you can see you are having a problem with your lawn but are not sure if it is brown patch, some other type of fungus or a different lawn disease issue entirely, don’t worry. Our experts at Bee Green should be able to figure out the problem fast. Get in touch with us, and we will send one of our experts to examine your lawn as scheduled to determine the issue and the best way to handle it.

Rescuing your lawn in central Florida with Bee Green is simple. You can schedule your free estimate right now from our website. We will be right over and get to work as soon as possible returning your lawn to its proper, green, healthy self.