Fungus and Disease Control

Systemic Fungus and Disease Control Services

In Florida, lawn care is a year-round necessity. Whether you’re combatting weeds, insects, fungi or diseases, it’s essential that you provide the necessary care to your lawn throughout the year, and not just during the spring, summer and fall. At Bee Green Pest Control, we offer systemic treatment for diseases and fungi that threaten the health of your landscape, providing you with a lush lawn every day of the year.

Systemic Fungus and Disease Control

At Bee Green Pest Control, we approach lawn care with systemic fungicide treatments that remedy and prevent a broad spectrum of fungi and diseases. By focusing on systemic fungus and disease control, our team can treat numerous plant conditions that appear at different times throughout the year, which gives your lawn complete coverage 365 days a year.

Common Fungi and Diseases in Central Florida

For homeowners as well as business owners in Central Florida, there are several diseases and fungi to look out for, including:

  • Take-all patch (Gaeumannomycesgraminis): A versatile disease, take-all patch can thrive in either cold or hot conditions, which makes it a problem across the United States. In most cases, you’ll notice take-all patch in the late spring or early summer, when reddish-brown or bronze patches begin appearing in your lawn. At Bee Green Pest Control, our take-all patch treatment for Riverview, FL, and nearby communities happens in the spring and fall, stopping the disease in its tracks.
  • Brown patch (Rhizoctoniasolani): After summer temperatures cool off — or when temperatures are below 80 degrees Fahrenheit — brown patch will begin appearing. It’s common from November to May, especially after excessive rainfall and high humidity. Brown patch typically appears as a small or ringed patch of yellow grass, which turns brown once the grass dies. Our brown patch treatment for Riverview, FL, and beyond gets ahead of the disease with May or June treatments.
  • Rust fungus (Pucciniagraminis): From late fall to early spring, landscapes are susceptible to rust. The disease thrives in the cooler temperatures — as well as shaded areas that stay moist from humidity, dew and rainfall — and takes advantage of grasses that are lacking essential nutrients. When rust appears, it starts as flecks of yellow, which turn to orange spots. We deliver our rust fungus treatment for Riverview, FL, and the surrounding area when conditions are favorable to the fungus.
  • Pythium blight (Pythium aphanidermatum): In hot, humid weather, Pythium blight can become rampant, especially when daily weather includes rainy and foggy conditions. If your lawn features areas where water gathers or runs, you’ll see the symptoms of Pythium blight there first, which include brown patches of wilted and matted grass. We provide our Pythium blight treatment for Riverview, FL, and the nearby neighborhoods via year-round preventative applications.


Treat Your Lawn’s Fungi and Diseases

At Bee Green Pest Control, our locally owned and operated business focuses on providing you with quality lawn care that’s free of fine print. Our services for Central Florida are month-to-month, instead of contract-based, and feature flat-rate pricing, which gives you maximum control of your company or household’s budget. Plus, we offer a 100 percent satisfaction guarantee to ensure you’re happy with our team’s service.

Give your lawn optimal protection and treatment from diseases and fungi — contact us today for a free evaluation and estimate!